Still rocking those window displays!
Ella Bulloch is known for beautiful window displays of hats and accessories. Valerie, our shop manager, adores arranging the colours and styles in a gorgeous and eye-catching way, updating the look every week to reflect the season, special occasions and more. Passers-by often pop in to tell us how they love to look in the window, and every time we post a picture of a display on our Facebook page we have a great response from our followers.
People who have known and loved our shop for years know this is nothing new, and here is the proof - in 1988 Ella Bulloch won 1st place in the Cathcart & District Community Council Summer Cup for Sales Display! Not a lady given to holding on to things Ella was clearly delighted with this award as she held on to it for over 30 years.

Ella was passionate about hats and insisted on having a dramatic window with what she called a “tricky” (outrageous) style right in the centre. She would be delighted to know that after all these years her shop is still rocking those stunning window displays!